
Z2A Digital's CEO Raphi Green on leading the company in a conflict zone

In times of crisis, the role of leadership is put to the test, requiring adaptability, resilience, and clear communication. Raphi Green, CEO of Z2A Digital, recently provided insight into navigating such challenges in our podcast, offering a firsthand account of leading a company amidst unforeseen societal upheavals. The podcast video from Raphi is linked below, detailing his experiences and the decisions made during these tumultuous times. We've also included this open letter from Raphi, summarising this thoughts on this difficult moment.

The role of a CEO requires preparation for numerous scenarios, from internal business challenges to broader societal concerns. Yet, the events on October 7th introduced a level of complexity I could never have anticipated. The infiltration of terrorists into our towns during a festival was a shock that evoked a tumult of emotions in me, from deep sorrow to outrage.My responsibilities as a CEO, of course, remained, but the focal point shifted dramatically. We had significant plans for the close of 2023: new projects, welcoming team members, and even a celebratory trip to Madrid. But in light of recent events, these took a backseat. The well-being of my team became the utmost priority.The memories of that fateful day, from the standard siren routines to the distressing news about the scale of the terrorist infiltration, are still vivid in my mind. Yet, amidst this chaos, the team's welfare remained paramount. I found myself reflecting on past challenges, such as the Ukraine war, where my primary concern was the safety and well-being of our employees. This recent tragedy was no different. Before any business considerations, the humanitarian needs of my team and the broader community were at the forefront.Our HR manager, Tammy, has been an anchor during these times, ensuring the well-being of our team and extending her support even beyond our company's walls. As we continue to adapt to these new working conditions, with the ever-present backdrop of sirens and unsettling news, regular communication has proven invaluable. We've instituted team updates and sync calls, ensuring that every member feels connected and supported.The overwhelming support from our team, both locally and abroad, has been truly heartening. We've stayed in touch, constantly offering assistance and picking up additional responsibilities when needed. The current situation, while uncertain, has drawn parallels with the initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic for me. The threat now, however, feels much more immediate and palpable.Yet, amidst these trials, the support from our partners has been our bedrock. Their messages of encouragement, love, and even tangible assistance have provided much-needed strength. Our partners, including Kayzen and Digital Element, have offered incredible support, reminding me that unity and collaboration are powerful tools in times of adversity.To all our partners and supporters, I want to express my deepest gratitude. Your unwavering support has been a beacon for us during these tumultuous times. The spirit of unity and collaboration will undoubtedly see us through, and for that, I am eternally grateful.With warm regards,Raphi Green, CEO

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